Four Essential Tips for Designing Your Business Signage

21 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning on installing a business sign, you should invest in proper design. In general, if your signage is designed properly, it will increase the visibility of your enterprise and even draw in more customers. On the other hand, a poorly designed sign can compromise your business image and cause unnecessary losses. Under ideal circumstances, you should hire an expert for signage design. However, if you would like to cut your expenses, you can develop your own display. Read More 

5 Reason to Buy an LED Sign Over a Neon Sign

16 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

People looking for signs often find themselves comparing LED signs against neon signs. The truth is that both have their own pros and cons, and you'll find purchase prices more or less comparable. However, most businesses find LED signs a better bet, and here are just five reasons why. 1. Energy Use You probably don't think signs use up too much power, but you'd be wrong for making that assumption. Neon signs are relatively power hungry; in fact, they use many times more power than LED signs. Read More 

Sign Of The Times: The Advantages Of Choosing Aluminium Signage For Your Marina

2 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Running a marina can be a complex endeavour at the best of times, and of the many concerns you'll have to deal with ensuring the safety of your patrons, employees and sailors is one of the most important. Even a small marina is loaded with drowning hazards, flammable fuel stores and potentially nasty falls, and placing proper warning signs besides dangerous areas and safety equipment (such as life rings and medical equipment) is vital from both an ethical and legal standpoint. Read More 

A Few Tips for Choosing the Right Sign Material and Lettering

27 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Every business needs a good exterior sign to attract the attention of passersby while also letting customers easily find your location. Signs inside a building can also help advertise a slogan or sales pitch, as well as current specials and various departments. To ensure you choose high-quality signs that work well for your intended purpose, note a few tips on how to choose the sign material and lettering process for exterior and interior signs. Read More 

4 Steps to Building Brand Awareness

17 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Running a modern business is all about brand awareness. After all, if potential customers don't have a clue about your business or the services and products you sell, your business won't last very long at all. Below is a guide to 4 steps you can take to improve awareness of your brand. Hire out a billboard The billboard can still be a very effective way of getting your corporate message across to customers. Read More