3 Top Considerations When Getting Custom Braille Sign Supplies

3 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog


The main aim of compliant signage is to provide crucial information to the visually-impaired. The law requires that every commercial facility should be accessible by everyone. Braille signs are among these requirements. With these signs, the visually impaired get to enjoy their independence. If you are looking for the custom Braille sign supplies, then you should know how to select the right ones. Keep in mind that every building has unique needs. Thus, you cannot choose similar signage that you saw in another facility. Below are tips to help you get the right custom braille sign supplies

Use Wooden Braille Signs

Many business owners choose to get the acrylic glass for their custom braille signs. The main reason they use such signs is that they are tactile. These signs are also suitable for laser cutting. With wooden braille signs, however, you will be getting more for less. The wood material is also friendly to the environment.

Additionally, wooden pieces will work well to enhance the decor you have in the office. Acrylic signs can also get cold and uncomfortable to touch during cold weather. Wooden signs, on the other hand, are not affected by changes in temperature. They are suitable to use whether it is cold or hot. 

Get a Braille Sign Colour That Matches the Decor

Most people do not think that the colour of the braille is crucial. After all, the sign is supposed to help the visually impaired individuals. However, you should consider how the sign looks in your space. These braille signs are not meant for specific clients. People with proper eyesight can see these signs. Thus, you should look for aesthetically pleasing colours. The colour of these signs needs to match the interior of your establishment. That way, all your customers get to appreciate your custom braille signs. 

Opt for Signs with Slide Options

Many people tend to change tenancy when in a commercial building. You may, therefore, opt to move when you wish to expand your premises. If you get permanent signs, you will be forced to make new ones each time you move. The best way to avoid creating new signage each time is by buying signs with slide channels. With a slide channel, all you will need to do is slide them when moving. That way, you save on money for making custom braille signs


The most important thing when looking for braille sign supplies is getting the ones with the right version. It can be depressing to get a sign only to realise that the braille version used is not correct. The required standard for braille signs in a commercial building is Grade 2 Braille.